Choose from any one of our available teaching activity templates and import images or words you select from our on-line picture dictionary. Create your own materials complete with visuals based on the needs of your classroom.

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Vocabulary building lessons available by themes are ready for download. Lessons are best for English Proficiency Levels 1 & 2 but can be used as content for advanced grammar lessons.

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ELAReading's mission is to support classroom teachers serving English Language Learners (ELL). ELL students benefit greatly from English vocabulary enrichment activities. The more English vocabulary students know, the more they will understand what is being taught. ELAReading's goal is to provide teachers with a diverse toolkit of resources and materials to help teach vocabulary and reading to ELL students.

  • 1-2 Thematic Vocabulary Units added weekly

  • Over 12,000 word picture dictionary

  • 13+ Activity templates to choose from. Import the images you need and then print.

Teaching English Vocabulary

ESL [English as a Second Language] and ELD [English Language Development] teachers spend large amounts of time preparing vocabulary lists that accompany their grammar or content instruction. Naturally, the key to learning English vocabulary is repetition, repetition, and more repetition. Teachers struggle to make the same English vocabulary list interesting and engaging for students each lesson. Varying the types of activities help keep the vocabulary lessons fresh and interesting. ELDReading.org helps teachers develop word lists and picture dictionaries that are relevant for their content. Teachers can choose what classroom activities they wish prepared in a matter of minutes once all the words and images are selected.

The wide variety of activities available allow scaffolding of content easy and the English vocabulary words are accessible to different students groups such as ELLs and SPED [Special Education] students. This cuts down on valuable prep time for teachers since the English vocabulary lists and activities are customizable. In addition, teachers working in bilingual education can easily change the English words to other languages such as Mandarin, French, Japanese, German, Korean, and Arabic. This makes teaching vocabulary words very convenient for the language educator.

Teaching English Reading

In addition, today's classroom teachers in elementary and secondary schools are accommodating ELLs and Special Education (SPED) students in their classrooms along with regular learners. Moreover, classroom sizes have grown and stable funding for public education is in question. Subsequently, this makes the teaching environment incredibly challenging. ELAReading.org believes that classroom educators make all efforts to differentiate instruction for these learners. ELD instruction supports overall classroom participation, engagement and learning outcomes.

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